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Unlimited File Upload Form

Build the forms you need in few minutes, share them online, and receive files with no limit on file size. All goes directly to your Google Drive. Without having to code. Let's form it!

Start collecting
An animation of an online form with unlimited file upload

Build a form for any file collection

We save time for individuals, education institusions, even small and large teams. You can use our features in every industry. Create form with fields you need. Be creative and work with data more efficiently.

CV-john.pdf 71 kB
school_project.docx 1.79 MB
photo1.jpg 2.15 MB
photo2.jpg 1.78 MB
photo3.jpg 2.24 MB
video1.avi 6.22 GB
video2.mp4 3.77 GB
banner-photo.jpg 3.21 MB


Build a form for any file collection

We save time for individuals, education institusions, even small and large teams. You can use our features in every industry. Create form with fields you need. Be creative and work with data more efficiently.

Design the form for your brand

Create a professional-looking form with your identity. Add your own logo, font, and colors. Save the result as a new theme and apply it to another uploader. All without the need for coding.

More about editing styles

Online form builder with fields you need

Add any form to unlimited file collection. Use our form builder and create a form with any number of fields to get the details you need for each file.

an icon of a short text Short text
an icon of a paragraph Paragraph
an icon of a radio box input Multiple choice
an icon of a checkbox Checkboxes
an icon of a dropdown Dropdown
an icon of a user

Collect leads directly
to Drive

Wherever you are collecting the data all leads will be automatically saved in a structured sheet on your Google Drive.

an icon of a file

Receive any size any
type files

Get very large size files through your forms. We’re ready for hundreds of gigabytes.

an icon of a form

Share forms everywhere
you want

Insert forms on your web page by using embedding. Share links on social media or send them via emails.

Ready to get started?

We are ready, how about you? Get your free account now.