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Design your own uploader

Adapt the design of a file uploader to your brand. Style every piece as you want and share your masterpiece uploader with your customers. All without having to code.

Try for free


Every step is fully responsive. Cell phones rule the world and we are ready for it.


iFrame into website

Design your perfect uploader and insert the iFrame into your website.


Your language

Translate every step of the uploading process to the needed language.

Style the uploader with no coding

Choose a suitable font and any color combination in design editor. You can adapt design of uploader to your website and brand identity.

A screenshot of customing of an uploader A screenshot of customing of an uploader

Save your beautiful designs

Do you want to apply your design to other uploaders? Save it as a new template and easily use the design for hundreds of different uploaders.

Courier New
Times New Roman

Online form builder

Collect more than just files, collect everything you want! The online form builder allows you to create your own form inside the uploader. All necessary fields are available! And don't worry, you can even give them your brand style.

Explore the form builder
A screenshot of a form builder

Ready to get started?

We are ready, how about you? Get your free account now.