When redeeming a discount code, you must follow your current DriveUploader subscription situation as
procedures vary slightly. Please select from the menu below:
- New subscription
- Upgrading plan
- Changing from the old monthly-based (FastSpring) to a yearly-based subscription
New subscription
This part applies to the customers who are making their first subscription.
You are automatically set on a 1-day free trial subscription when you create a new subscription. During
this period you can either cancel your subscription without any payment or apply your discount code to
reduce your following payment.
To apply your discount code click on the "Enter coupon" on the page with
your uploaders.
Then you can enter your discount code and submit it. After that, your following payment will be reduced by
the amount according to your discount code.
Upgrading plan
This part applies to customers who already have a DriveUploader subscription and want to upgrade their
plan with a discount code.
If you already have a DriveUploader subscription you can upgrade your plan whenever you need. During this
process, you can also use your discount code.
To apply your discount code you need to select the desired plan and billing period on the Pricing page.
Once you select the desired plan you will be prompted to confirm the upgrade. Also, you can apply the
discount code on this page.
Then you can enter your discount code. Please don't forget to apply the code and then confirm the upgrade.
Changing from the old monthly-based (FastSpring) to a yearly-based subscription
This part applies to customers who want to upgrade their legacy subscription (only monthly billing,
FastSpring company as a payment system provider).
If you are using our older types of subscriptions where was it only possible to use monthly billing you may
want to upgrade your billing to yearly billing. We have changed our payment system provider, so during this
process, you will have to enter your payment details. You can start this process by selecting "Yearly
billing" and selecting the plan on the Pricing page.
During the payment process after entering your email and confirming the location, you can enter your
discount code before you choose the payment method.
After you type in your discount code, confirm it by clicking on the "Add coupon" button. Then you can see
whether your coupon has been applied correctly and the amount of money in your discount.